Overview of the GAP Character Table Library (version 1.3.8)

Character Table info for 210:(25:s5)

Group order:
3932160 = 218 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 5
Number of classes:
InfoText value:
origin: CAS library, One intersection between a Co2M8 and a Co2M2, has index 3 in Co2M8. Computed using Clifford matrices and lots of information from Co2M2. Test: 1.OR, JAMES, JAMES,n=3, and restricted characters from Co2M2 (and Co2) decompose properly. tests: 1.o.r., pow[2,3,5]
Stored class fusions from this table:
210:M22:2, S5, Co2

File created automatically by GAP on 13-Mar-2024.